Website Development
Website & Interactive Map DevelopmentReimagining the digital landscape of eatSouthBank with a custom code website and map.
We took on this transformative project for South Bank, a beloved precinct in Brisbane, and engineered an exciting digitally-driven platform. Home to 60 dining venues and numerous entertainment attractions, the eatSouthBank platform needed an excellent online experience that could present visitors with the best information for where to go and what to eat – fast!
The Challenge
Lance Montana developed a speedy, responsive website to effortlessly handle restaurant listings, events, editorial content, and advertising features, guaranteeing users can conveniently access pertinent information across various devices.
We implemented a user-friendly global search feature that ensures users locate their desired information with ease. The website enables visitors to filter their search results by cuisine, price, or atmosphere, ensuring they discover the ideal dining experience to satisfy their cravings.
Additionally, our site is fortified with Lance Montana’s specialised security measures to thwart cyber attacks and malicious activities.

Innovative Interactive Map
Introducing an unparalleled interactive map featuring a scrolling information panel, providing users with a unique blend of details and their precise location in the city.
The map can be configured easily from within the back-end of the website, and allows for full customisability. The user experience is fluid, with responsive zoom in a familiar maps environment, stable across all devices.

LAURENCE WOOD, MANAGING DIRECTORThis was (and might still be) the best and most powerful, mobile-friendly, interactive map of its kind in Australia. Completely customised to meet the needs of our client's audience.

Conversions in 3 months
Increase in organic traffic